Tag Archives: wedding cards

Visiting Heritage Type

13 Oct

When all classes at school make you want to know more than what is available in the texts, our professors at Savannah College of Art & Design, Hong Kong, take us on field trips. These field trips are not a picnic agenda like when were kids but opportunities for us design and art students to grasp more from the surrounding art scene and environment. One such visit was to the WAI CHEE Printing workshop of Mr. Lee.

Mr. Lee’s Printing Shop – WAI CHEE Printing Shop

Mr. Lee is a type specialist, type design printer and a specialized designer who works with type they way they did before even computers took reign. When I reached there I realized his print shop felt like I had just got into a time machine and taken me back to the era where my parents might not have even been born. He had all the letter stamps for type press in all sizes for Chinese and English languages. His whole shop would have been Disney land for him all his stay there. However, he didn’t live alone but had the company of his friendly and hospitable wife, who assisted him all throughout his print business.

The Letter Stamps used to press type with ink pads on paper.

Letter Stamps Closer Look at it

Collection of all the type used by Mr. Lee

Mr. Lee’s Working Table

When we were there learning from his experiences we learned that he was in this business since 60 years. That’s the longest I’d come across in my life until now after having even read up about great business tycoons. Mr. Lee was still printing cards, postcards and all things that had words on them using an antique machine of his. I learnt that his machine was now not even made anymore, as laser printers; jet set printers had won the race with technology and speed being their advantages. Being fortunate enough to see some of his work samples I was glad to see in his time he had even made logos for big companies, airway companies, to my surprise even for Indian client’s weddings and ceremonies held in and outside Hong Kong. He might have been the most creative and humble type creator and setter of his time. In this competitive world where everyone carries an imaginary knife to stab the other with their success I had a chance to meet someone far away from competition, monetary attainment and the basic greed of human nature today.

Mr. Lee demonstrating his print process

The Element to press type through the machine

Mr. Lee Spreading Knowledge Through a book from his times.

Samples of Mr. Lee’s work for a Chinese Client

Wedding Card Sample for a client

Indian Wedding Card with beautiful Peacock Motif on the Cover.

Indian Wedding Card Design with the Indian Traditional Doli (Carriage for the Bride)

Wedding Invitations with Flower Motifs

Envelope Design for Wedding Card

We had been brought there by our two type professors but this workshop agenda had been introduced by a radio jockey. The radio jockey had organized these workshops for Mr. Lee to be able to gain some money to pay his rent for continuing to keep his shop the way it was. TheRJ was a girl who was not even related to Mr. Lee but she still chose to publicize his existence on 1 Wing Lee Street in the Sheung Wan district of Hong Kong. It’s nice to see voluntary help coming from people highly unlikely to expect which from anyone else, even if they would be your own relatives. He was very happy to spread knowledge of course at a nominal cast and give us design students a trip through his life.

Hence, I would suggest the same, if you plan a visit to Hong Kong or are studying Art and Design in Hong Kong Head to this print workshop not only to raise his funds but also because by the end of this year his workshop is going to be moved to the HKUSPACE. At the cost of HKD 250, you’re going to be increasing your knowledge and contributing to a good cause.